Day tours in Reykjavik area

vc_rowvc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text Our Day tours are operated from íshestar Stables in Reykjavik area. Even though our Stables are close to Reykjavik we are situated in beautiful landscape where there is no sign of the capital or the nearest town Hafnarfjörður. The Stables are surrounded by geological wonders and amazing sites. ⁣ ⁣ This summer we have about 130 horses in our Stables …

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The Icelandic Horse

vc_rowvc_column width=”1/2″vc_custom_heading text=”HISTORY” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%23e77400″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”vc_column_text The history of the Icelandic Horse can be traced right back to the settlement of the country in the late 9th century. Viking settlers brought with them their best horses, from various origins, though mostly of Germanic descent. The breed has remained pure for over a thousand years and thus today there is only one …

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