Where does the Icelandic horse come from?

Where does the Icelandic horse come from? The Icelandic horse has remained pure for centuries since the Nordic Vikings brought him to the country. The Icelandic horse is therefore amongst the purest breeds in the world. The Icelandic horse is from Norway but originally he comes from the Mongolian horses from Asia. Some of the Vikings who brought horses along …

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Characteristics of the Icelandic horse

The Icelandic horse is known for being a very friendly breed. They are very smart with big personalities. The horses are rather small and strong but please be aware of this: Do not call them ponies because they get really offended by that. 🙂 The horses are curious and lack the spookiness that some other breeds have, maybe because they …

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The color of the Icelandic Horse

vc_row 0=””vc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text 0=”” One of the features of the Icelandic horse which makes it so unique is the variety of colors. Colors are not as important for breeders as they are in many other countries. And that is because you do not ride the color! Breeders are more concern about breeding the best stallion at each time than focusing …

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Certificate of Excellence 2017 and Anniversary Celebration

vc_row 0=””vc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text 0=””This year we are celebrating our 35th anniversary! It was back in 1982 that Einar Bollason, his wife, and two other families founded Íshestar. We have been a leading tour operator ever since. For all those years we have emphasized quality service and safe ride in Icelandic nature. We are also proud to be the industry leader in caretaking of the Icelandic …

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Riding in Iceland!

vc_rowvc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text On our tours, we take the flock of horses along to either train them to go long distances or to give them a rest during the tour. Usually, our riders change horses once or twice per day and get to try out different horses each day. It depends on how long the riding day is. That means that …

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How to saddle the Icelandic horse?

vc_rowvc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text Saddling the Icelandic horse can be a bit different than saddling other breeds. The Icelandic Horse has the special gait tölt so we need to consider that when we saddle the horses. We use noseband to prevent the bit from sliding out of the horse’s mouth while we are riding. We need to make sure to brush the …

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This is how we shoe the Icelandic Horse

vc_rowvc_column width=”1/2″vc_column_text To shoe, the Icelandic horse can be a bit different than in other countries in Europe. The ground in Iceland does not contain the same bacteria as in the mainlands, therefore it is not necessary to heat the shoe in fire and put it on the hoof of the horse before shoeing it. In Iceland you don´t have to get …

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